
We all want to ensure that the future of Harford County's Jewish community is secure.

I am sure you imagine a future where David can be bar mitzvah'd even though he has a limited Jewish education we dream of a place where Janice can attend services although she can't afford to donate and where everyone can feel at home.

To ensure a a permanent, predictable stream of funding for this mission of education coupled with goodness and kindness together with a generous $10,000 donation by an anonymous donor in memory of her parents, The CHABAD FUTURE ENDOWMENT FUND was started at the Harford County Community Foundation.

The CHABAD FUTURE ENDOWMENT FUND welcomes gifts of all kinds, including cash, bequests, closely held stock, real estate, life insurance and retirement assets.

Gifts can be made online here

by calling 443.353.9718

To contribute to the fund by check, mail a check payable to The Community Foundation of Harford County to 202 S Main St, Bel Air, MD 21014 and in the memo please note: Chabad Future Fund

Donations over $500 to this fund are eligible for the Endow Maryland Tax Credit