Tonight, at sunset, the Hebrew date of Yud (10) Shevat begins. Tonight, Chabad Chassidim worldwide celebrate. We celebrate the anniversary of the passing of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe and subsequent acceptance by his son in law, the Rebbe, of the leadership of the Chabad movement.
What makes Chabad unique? The spice and flavor it adds to Judaism.
The “bread and butter” of Yiddishkeit is the same for all since it is governed by Halacha, the Code of Jewish Law. This is the same for all Jews, regardless of the level of observance.
But the “spice” that can make or break the appetite or desire is the tribal and familial customs. Think salt or sugar to a steak or a cake. The right one makes it wonderful and delicious and has you begging for more, the wrong one will ensure that you never try it again.
Think about a person who considers him/herself a “3-day-a-year Jew”. These three days might be their bread and butter of their Jewish identity. Perhaps they got that from a revered grandparent or just old-fashioned guilt. However, without the spicing, it is not too flavorful. When that person decides to show up at another random time, whether it is for Purim or a Shabbat minyan, or does a simple good deed as a proud Jew, this Jewish act can be the spice that infuses his other activities with the Jewish life and spice to make seemingly mundane events that much more spiritual, tasty and meaningful.
This is what my wife and I endevour to give to our family and community. We give them the spice that the Rebbe inspired in us, namely; his non-judgmental love and kindness and his never-ending faith in the limitlessness of the human spirit and capability.
This spice reJEWvenates me, it is the fuel that keeps me going. Hence, I celebrate!
What is it that reJEWvenates you?
Have a great Shabbos,
Rabbi Kushi Schusterman
P.S. See the original article here