Dear Friends, Harford Chabad proudly serves our local community with loving kindness. Our annual survey gives us a better idea of how we can serve you best. As you answer the following questions, please remember, we keep all replies confidential. Rabbi Kushi Schusterman What was your most memorable Jewish experience? Family Seder at Pesach Lighting Chanukah Candles Shabbat Dinner Visiting Israel Is there any one person, past or present, who "lit the spark" that began your Jewish journey? What inspires you to lead a more Jewish life? What activity at Harford Chabad do you most admire? Social Services e.g.visiting the sick, helping those in addiction recovery Youth services, e.g. Hebrew School Teen Programming Religious Events, e.g. Shabbat Services, Holiday Programs Torah Study e.g. Adult Education, Women's classes, One on one stufy Which one of these Mitzvahs would you like to learn more about? Learning about Kashrut (keeping kosher) The laws of Family Purity How and why to light the Friday night candles Why we put a Mezuzah on our door How and why we put on Tefillin Are you or a loved one undergoing a major medical procedure within the next few months? Can we offer support to you and your family? Are you interested in helping out at our Chabad house? Preparing the Shul for Shabbat Services Helping out with office work, web updating, preparing mailings etc. Visiting the housebound Voulenteering by programs, e.g. hebrew school, holiday set-up/clean-up Have you ever been to Israel? Would you be interested in joining Chabad on a community trip to Israel? I have not been to Israel and I'm interested in joining a community trip. I have already been to Israel and I'm interested in joining a community trip. I am not interested in a community trip to Israel at this time. Do you have a child or grandchild away at college? Let Harford Chabad invite your student to enjoy Shabbat dinner, meet new friends, and renew Jewish values. Please share their information and we will do the rest. Many people like to leave a gift to charity in their will. Would you consider leaving Harford Chabad in yours? I have already included Harford Chabad in my will. I would definitely include Harford Chabad in my will. I would probably include Harford Chabad in my will. I would like to speak to someone about including Harford Chabad in my will. I am not interested at this time. What would you suggest we do to enhance the success of Harford Chabad? Full Name* First Name Last Name E-mail Marital Status Married Single Divorced Looking for a Shidduch! Widow/Widower Age of Children 0-12 13-17 18-30 30-60 No Children Submit Should be Empty: This page uses TLS encryption to keep your data secure.